Tuesday, September 7, 2004

Two nights in a row? no way...

I was so motivated, too, until Right Now when I realized that I just don't have an entry available...
Some people I'm thinking of right now:
Donna & Steve got their papers and are hoping to travel to China to get their daughter within the next 10 days - it all depends on clearing up the last of the red tape, if they miss this window it will probably push back the trip for over a month, because no one can go there in October...Donna says Steve is ready to swim across the Pacific if he has to...
A good friend of mine has lost her job and is having other family problems and is very discouraged right now.  She's such a great person, I hate to see her so down.
My grandpa doesn't really want to see the farm go and isn't looking forward to it.  I really think that all the work he puts into it helps keep him young...I hope he'll find many other projects to work on.
Not much of an entry...too tired to write or spin...enjoying the cool weather, gentle rain, and soft breezes that the remnants of Frances has brought us...hard to reconcile it...I'm going back to the dentist tomorrow, that's always fun...I'm going to get up before six a.m. so we don't have another morning like this morning, when I ruined my daughter's school day from the very beginning...had a good workout at the Y today - a year ago I would never have believed that those words could come out of my mouth!...now my playlist has shifted and is playing, of all things, "Me and Little Andy" by Dolly Parton...and I'm pretty sure I'll be haunted by Donny and Marie all night long :)...
and how in the world did it get to be 1:27 a.m.?


  1. You really are a late bird!

  2. My prayers are will you friends so they can have that cute little girl in their arms!!
    And for your friend that lost her job...
    And you Missy!! You gotta start getting some good rest!!  I know...I am finally getting sleep I never had before...it's like a whole new world out there!!  And I like it!!  LOL.
    Jim went to the dentist yesterday...and got a crown for his tooth...wasn't even in his mouth for 5 hours and it fell out with the first bite of food!!  Can you believe it!!  And now he has to go back in and will get charged again for another visit!!  I am not liking dentists this year!!!
    Hugs, Julie

  3. Yay! Going in October after all...I love it when a plan comes together.
