Sunday, September 26, 2004

The earth is round...

I'm trying to catch up on journals and my stupid computer keeps kicking me off, so I'm giving up for the night and will try again tomorrow...sometime...
I know that there are people who are very neat and don't have a procrastinating problem or a packrat problem - I even know some people like that.  I wish I was like that.  The reason I bring this up is because my whole bedroom is beyond belief.  I keep the rest of the house looking really great, but for some reason I cannot extend that to this room.  I have stacks and stacks of papers, folders, books, CDs...everywhere!  I also don't understand why my desk at home looks like this, while my desk at work is extremely well organized.
For a small illustration, we'll just note what's on top of my computer monitor (from bottom up):
2 really thick folders (I have no idea what's in them), 6 or 7 cards and drawings, another folder, book (boy meets girl by Meg Cabot), 2 magazines, book (Holocaust Poetry), lots more papers, including instruction booklets, bills, etc. etc., another book (Bridget Jones:The Edge of Reason by Helen Fielding), lots more papers, a packet of school pictures, another book (The Folk of the Fringe by Orson Scott Card), a packet of Y softball pictures, another magazine, and a ton of bills.
I measured it with a ruler - that stack is EIGHT inches tall!  My daughter knocked it off the other day, and it fell into another stack on the desk, and then both stacks fell onto the stack on the floor.  I made her pick it all up and she complained the whole time..."Why do you have stuff on top of your monitor?", and "Why does your desk look like this?", and "Throw some of this stuff away!"
I'm pretty sure this mess happened when, a couple months ago, I rearranged in here and moved the filing cabinet into the closet.  It seemed like a good idea at the time.  Only now, all the stuff that's supposed to go in there is actually sitting in piles everywhere else, because it's so hard to put it back!
I have to be up in less than five days off for the rest of the year...maybe I'll straighten this up in January, when I have least the rest of the house looks good! LOL


  1. I know the feeling all to house is clean...but far from being organized.  If anyone would see my closets or drawers...YIKES!!  I just keep putting it off cuz it's such a huge job to GET We'll get there someday....I hope...

  2. My whole house looks like your bed room.  lol.  I am not a tidy person!  I keep the kitchen fairly clean....My teenage bedroom was a diaster!

  3. I am an extremely organized person everywhere, all the time. I wish I wasnt. :o)
    At least your whole house isnt that way. Maybe deep down you consider your room and desk at home your relaxing area where it doesnt really matter and you can do what you want and not worry about it. :o)
    Have a great day!

  4. Hi Love,

    I am sorry you have no more personal days left.  I know it how hard it is when you are working constantly and then weekends are not enough.

    As far as having a lot of things, come to my house and see what is so unnecessary here.  I need to call eBay and get off my posterior.  You will get your energy soon to tackle all that.  Just two months ago, this computer room was a holy mess and one day I just fought it and got it done.  You are strong and you will do it.


  5. Oh no! At least your papers were knocked off by accident! Carly throws all my papers and folders off my desk on purpose, then laughs at me when i give her that "carly marie"
    Maybe you just keep your office desk so organized that you don't feel like doing it when your home! It's too much like work! Oh well. You'll get around to it sooner or later . Don't sweat the small stuff ;-)


  6. Oh myy goodness. I tell my husband my desk is like a black hole that sucks everything into it. It is in my bedroom so it makes the room look messy too. Like you the rest of the house is neat and organized.

    Hope you find some time soon. If you have any left over, can I have it? ;)


  7. Here's my solution! Trust me it works! Grab some boxes with lids, (they make very nice storage containers) put it right beside your desk, then throw everything you want to look at  or put away later right into the lovely box! Wala! Off the ol desk, in the ol box, and all organized into one place! Organization is my friend lol lol lol!

  8. I came to your journal through GroovyNoodles.  I actually went back to the beginning to read it.  You have great taste in  books--two books I just finished are All American Girl and Boy Meets Girl.  Bridget Jones--The Edge of Reason is one of my favorite books.  Hilarious.  I also read Night a couple times (for classes both times).  I think everyone should be made to read this book.  So basically when I say you have great taste in books what I'm saying is you have the same taste in books that I do.  Hope you don't mind if I link your journal in mine.

  9. Being unorganized makes me feel yucky.......but you know's OK to be unorganized.  You have a lot of stuff on your plate, and will get to the organization thing when there is time.  In twenty years, will your memories center around how well organized your desk is, or how much time you spent caring for yourself and your child?  Working is caring for her, too, because that's how you take care of her material needs.  Take heart.......almost everyone has a part of their house that isn't neat and tidy.  Like you, my 'rats nest' is my computer desk.
