A couple months ago, there was a comet.
I live in a city, so we wouldn’t be able to see it in the sky. We needed to go out further.
Our first try was going to the river out at Mike Linnig’s. My partner in crime was my daughter Chelsea, who has been trained to willingly go do wacky things with her mother.
So about 9pm, we were at Mike Linnig’s and started going down the path to the river. It’s dark. I was a little scared.
Just as we got to the path, a man appeared out from behind the curve from the direction we were going.
My mind screamed ‘serial killer’ at me, while Chelsea’s mind must have screamed ‘wacky friend’ to her.
So we stopped to talk to him because of course, he was also looking for the comet.
We didn’t to get to see the comet that day.
So I said we’ll try again tomorrow after work.
The next day, Chelsea picked me up from work and already had a plan. She’d spent the day going over topographical maps of the area where we might view the thing.
She took me to Indiana. We drove up around Floyd’s Knobs to a small city. Chelsea had a very specific place we were looking for.
She took me to a cemetery at the top of a hill.
I said that we would be kicked out, and Chels said that probably wouldn’t happen.
We waited at the cemetery. It got very dark. I got out of the car and walked around, then I sat on a bench and waited. The cemetery at night was very serene and peaceful.
Then some headlights turned onto the cemetery road. We went back to the car and waited, hoping that they would leave without bothering us.
They did not leave. They got out of the car with binoculars and started looking at the sky.
So of course Chels went over to talk to the new ‘wacky friends’.
They were, in fact, there to look for the comet.
After an hour of sky gazing with no comet to be found, we all left the cemetery. Chelsea drove me back to Kentucky, and we never got to see the comet.
But we did get to meet fellow wacky people.
Also, if I ever need to get out of the city, I know a nice cemetery where we can go hang out.