Crisis mode.
The car broke down forever. Mom fell, and fell again, and fell and fell. She's just out of the hospital with broken ribs, and now my aunt has fallen and has brain injury and Chelsea and I have just run ourselves ragged between hospital and work and school and hospital again, with just one vehicle.
Aunt Sondra, with her brain injury, keeps asking for Moma. It makes us cry.
My adorable kitty has diabetes. She's 17 years old now and I know she can't stay forever.
Time has sped up and is rushing past in a blur of color and I just want it to slow down.
I want to spend time with my kitty and my daughter and my mom and my Dwayne.
I keep going because I remember joy and I want to see it again.
Joy faith love kindness grace grace grace...
I know it's there waiting for me.