Sunday, August 7, 2005

The World Crashes All Around When Michelle Comes Back to her Journal...

...only, I think about it all the time, but things are so out of kilter right now.
ANYWAY, enough about that...
I started watching Animal Planet recently...I thought my kitty might like to see the animals, so we watch it together at night before we fall asleep.
Only, she falls asleep right away, and I've become hooked on 'Animal Cops'. 
Right now, both my daughter and my kitty have fallen asleep on my where am I going to sleep?  There's no room! 
My daughter has a very cool room, with her TV and her VCR/DVD and her computer and PS2 and her floor to ceiling why does she always want to be on MY computer, and then watch TV on MY bed, and then fall asleep there?
I guess I could sleep on the couch... :(
and I guess it's obvious who rules the house...and it isn't me...


  1. when you find the answer on why our children don't want to sleep in there own very cool rooms...please let me know okay?  :)

    Don't ya just love Animal Planet.  We watch it all the time too!  :)

    Hope you get some sleep tonight...I know I will be watching the sun come up.  


  2. I used to love to eat off my Mom's plate and hang out in their room. Food tasted better and their bed was more cumfy to me. LOL

  3. Awww, she loves you :o)
    Sara   x

  4. Animal Planet is the coolest channel! As long as I have it, Sci-Fi and the History Channel I don't need anything else <g>... And, I think your daughter just wants to be near you, so anything that is near you is automatically better ;)

  5. Your story was very apealing to me. I thing that it is adorable that you and you kitty like to sit and watch animal cops together. It's people like you that make the world better. */Ashley H.*/Indiana

  6. They both just want to be close to "mommy". They probably assume you'll squeeze in there
